All About The Englishman
Be informed
Be entertained
Be perverted
Confess, sinner
Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.
Change your perceptions. They're lame.
I have a dream.
I am Jack's imaginary friend
Don't think. Just Grow.
For all your multimedia needs
Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles
Filthy Lies
Hey! You make me throw up a little!
The Framley Examiner Personals
From the creator of 'Grow'
Fura Neko games!
This man is everything I hope to be, artistically
Tokyo Plastic 2.0h!
I love free speech. Talk to me.
December 2003
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
December 2004
March 2005
Belle De Jour
C h a p e l . P e r i l o u s
Another Girl, Another Planet
Robber Rabbit
currently. . .
[Playing] Oh, holy Halo 2, Xbox
[Reading] War of the Worlds
[Songs of the Moment] Freelove Freeway, Ricky Gervais/David Brent & Noel Gallagher (The Office), Let Me Love You, Mario
[Movie(s) of the Moment] Before Sunset
highlight reel
Pussy Perspectives
The Laid List
Liquored Up and Lookin' Fer Pussy
Orphan Rampage
The Office and David Carradine
Urkel's Calling
A Wee Turtle's Head
Non-Event Horizon
The Illusion of Time
Born To Run
Bush Humor
Fiendster: The Anti-Friendster
Crusoe and the INS
Peak Oil
Smile for me, Mona
Spin the bullet bachelor party
Spin the bullet part II
Heaven and Home
Heal the world
Atom Feed me, Seymour
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Friday, May 28
Philosophical Tidbit of the Day
What goes around. . .will fuck you up, motherfucker!
thus spake The Englishman at 8:59 AM
Wednesday, May 26
Liquored-Up & Lookin' Fer Pussy
Bouncers and bartenders of the U.S. rejoice!
I am now in possession of a state liquor license.
No longer will you have to strain your eyes to percieve the fast-fading similarities between the buck-toothed, crater-faced, four-eyed Gollum look-alike (circa 1995) in my passport, and the tan, handsome, chiseled Adonis you see before you seeking admission/beverages, while sheepishly apologizing for holding up the line.
No longer will you be tasked with deciphering the phrase "Date of Birth" from its french, german and spanish iterations.
No longer will I be forced to go out on the town with the use of only one hand, for the ever-present fear that the black market goblins will whisk my all-important citizenship documents (incontrovertible proof to some government institutions that I actually exist) into the seedy underworld of terrorist forgery the moment my clammy palm leaves my pocket.
Why has this taken so long? Laziness, if not the guilty culprit, is at least a material witness. But the impetus for this bureaucratic power-play is far from ordinary.
According to M, whose body clock is pounding out the rhythmn of a pneumatic drill these days, we need more pussy in our lives. "Tell me something I don't know", I replied, and was rewarded with a special gift I believe you Americans call a 'Charlie Horse'.
When I was able to walk again, M patiently explained to me that she has been waiting forever just to get a cat. I myself miss my own cats, however, I was not as painfully cognizant of my lack of feline companionship. Being the Man of the House, I had to put my foot down. There was only one thing to say to this ridiculously femmy request:
"Yes, of course dear, I'll do whatever you want."
M patiently explained to me that animal shelters require some form of state ID before we're allowed to bring Fluffy the kitten home to shred everything lower than 3 feet and piss on my face while I'm asleep. M, being from the Midwest, has no ID forged in our home state. Ergo, M required me to drag my sorry ass downtown to the RMV for this priviledge.
A couple hours later, I have returned, blessed by the Liquor Gods with the key to the city, and the means of getting as much pussy as I could ever want.
Husbands like me are worth twice their weight in fat stacks of cash and boobies.
thus spake The Englishman at 11:41 AM
Archaeology only tells us part of the story. No matter what great bone discovery or beard-stroking hypothesis is formulated in the belly of some great academic institution or other, some things are lost forever to the march of time.
Some, however, are impervious to the decay of time and manage to outlive their creators. The following is a list of things by which mankind shall be judged long after we've sterilized ourselves from the face of this planet:
- AOL 9.0 "2500 hours free" cds You've snapped, stomped, ignored, trashed, scratched, microwaved (fun, by the way), bitten, flung, stabbed and burned them. . .yet they persist. . .how many hours do they have to give away before you succumb to their siren song? Slowly, surely, AOL is clawing at your soul
- Tupperware Cramping, nausea, vomiting, headaches, bloody diarrhoea, and delirium, but dammit, 6 months on, the sandwich still looked fresh!
- EZ Cheez I swear the companies that make bright yellow raincoats had some of this stuff to spare, and an amoral monster in the boardroom looking for a quick buck on a new product. . .
- "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" Resistance, while maybe not futile, is at least more trouble than you'll probably be bothered to go to
- Laura Bush's smile Just take a look at any picture of her in public: the woman has simply had that expression etched into her skull, and some skin stretched taut over it. No more worrying about facial muscle coordination - ever!
- POG's Out there, somewhere, there are warehouses full to the rafters of them. There they wait, patiently, to claim dominion over the Earth we leave behind. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 7:23 AM
Tuesday, May 25
A Diamond In The Fluff
95% of the cumulative total of sitcom material is vapid drivel. Watching more than 90 minutes' worth makes me feel like if I were to move my head too vigorously from one side to the other, the thick gruel-like substance that used to be my brain will come pouring out of my ears in a truly unholy scene.
Occasionally, though, one can happen upon valuable philosophical nuggets:
"Son, if you ain't mad enough at your friend to go 9 rounds of brutal bare-knuckle streetfighting, you ain't got no reason to stay mad." ~ That 70's Show
Words to live by.
Or die by, if your friend is Grungor, Destructor of Souls.
thus spake The Englishman at 11:45 AM
Wednesday, May 19
Boundless Optimism
When the Consumers consume
Everything consumable,
All we had was presumed,
All that's gone is innumerable.
When the Consumers consume
Best be fast runners,
'Cause when there's nothing to eat,
We'll all eat each other.
thus spake The Englishman at 12:51 PM
Tuesday, May 18
Error 404 - Bile Not Found
Please excuse our appearance as we renovate this attraction to maximise your willingness to fork over your hard-earned shekels, while minimizing our chances of being on the recieving end of a lawsuit.
We apologize for any convenience you thought you might experience.
thus spake The Englishman at 8:44 AM
Monday, May 17
Shock, Terror As Orphans Go On Downtown Rampage!
Tsk tsk, just typical isn't it? Personally, I blame the parents.
thus spake The Englishman at 3:49 PM
Saturday, May 15
Boors Lite
As an afterthought, and in keeping with the fantasy theme of late, perhaps that last post's title should have been "The Chronicles of Fnarnia".
I crack myself up. What the fuck are you lookin' at?
thus spake The Englishman at 11:24 PM
The Jack Lemmon Effect
I admit it, I confess. I'm a grumpy ole git.
I'm a bit snobbishly fnar at this year's bumper crop of fresh-faced graduates. Almost everywhere I look, I see them hugging and kissing dear friends/soulmates/casual sexual partners goodbye over celebration drinks (I'm keeping an eye on my closet - there shall be no fornication there without my permission/involvement and videotaping).
No, I'm not jealous of the fact that they're still in college (for another 24 hours at least). I feel the way a war veteran who joined up in 1938, and spent his formative years bayonetting krauts for queen and country must have felt abbout the snobby lads fresh out of Eton, who joined up to 'serve' at the tail end of the ruckus, and immediately got promoted to lieutenant without a single shot fired. There, that's a perfectly crystal clear simile if ever I saw one.
Okay, scratch that last point, and allow me to explain. This time in '03 was hell for me. I was jobless, graduating, poor, I had the INS on my back, and was desperately in need of plans post diploma and handshake, all of which are hardly characteristics that would land my ugly mug on the cover of Forbes (especially the INS thing). Somehow, things weren't going according to plan.
But I persevered, and somehow, slowly, I managed to construct a life after college. Now before you get all stroppy, I'd be quick to point out that mine wasn't the only triumph-of-the-human-spirit story, but it was an experience that taught me a lot about making a life for yourself, and I doubt I'd have had the same fire under my feet to do something about it if the job market hadn't been the equivalent of a tattered bum's ass-rag (used).
Fast-forward to this year, and from a jobs perspective, things seem a bit better than they were, although far from they way they should be. McDonalds is paying its employees enough to afford the bus home now. Staples has upgraded the cafeteria food, and stopped serving meatloaf comprised of reconstituted pencil shavings and eraser rub-off. The companies with crap sales jobs that made up 99% of the positions available in my time no longer require you to be willing to sign a contract in blood, and have softened their stances to accept some kind of sputum, or perhaps a minor organ instead. Signing a contract in minor organ, now that's quite the mental picture.
All of which makes me leer at this year's grads like the aforementioned grumpy old bastard. They won't know the full extent of the black depths of despair, stress, and feelings of complete and utter incompetence and worthlessness that the bulk of the '01, '02 and '03 grads endured.
And I'm kinda glad about that because I don't think I'd wish the experience upon many people on my love/hate continuum. But God help the '04's if I hear any complaining, lest I break out in a rousing rendition of The Ornery Git Rant:
"Goddamn ungrateful kids! In my day, jobs were so scarce, I had to sell two kidneys just to make rent each month, and not all of them were mine!"
thus spake The Englishman at 10:39 PM
Friday, May 14
The Lion, the Witch, and her incredible rack
I've found my artistic hero, and his name is Robert Poulse- sorry, James Ryman
Unbelievable character designs, lots of imagination and definitely inspiring. Watch out for the shedloads of boobies, though - avert thine eyes, sinner!
thus spake The Englishman at 9:24 AM
Monday, May 10
The Office and David Carradine
"Nothing kills a blog faster than full-time employment" ~ gapingvoid
With all due respect, Hugh, I'd like to completely and totally disagree with you. In my recent experience, nothing kills a blog faster than not being employed full-time, being surrounded by the white noise of a colleague on the phone, being surrounded by cornflower-blue cubicle walls. Nothing kills a blog faster than not posting the thoughts that ran through your mind at the latest inane department meeting, which run the gamut from wondering why your colleague's stomach keeps rumbling in such a disturbing manner at regular intervals, to seriously considering jumping on the conference table, pulling down your pants and proclaiming, arms flung wide, "I AM A FUCKING GENIUS".
I need the email from my superiors that manages to contradict itself three times without violently imploding, the colleague who cannot order plain white dividers without three conversations about it, and an email confirmation, I need the arbitrary allocation of the employee of the month award, based upon whom is most likely to sue the company this time around.
My mind absorbs these situations through osmosis, and free associates through a universe of topics, quotes and quips. Resulting in smart-alecky posts like this one.
Dissecting The Grind into little slimy giblets of comedy is my kung fu.
And it is strong.
thus spake The Englishman at 7:56 AM
Friday, May 7
Sun on my back, stars in their eyes
A good friend of mine described it perfectly:
"Today is one of those days when everyone looks beautiful"
thus spake The Englishman at 10:48 AM
Wednesday, May 5
Mickey Moore
I like to categorise myself as an optimist with a healthy sense of cynicism. Or a cynic with a ray of optimism about him, (either way, I'm a damn good lay, but that's besides the point).
So when I come across Disney executives spouting lines like the following, the cynic in me has to chuckle until my nuts shake, while the optimist in me hopes that this particular individual's ticket number for being up against the wall come the revolution is in the single digits:
"It's not in the interest of any major corporation to be dragged into a highly charged partisan political battle."
Not in the interest, indeed. Perhaps this person hasn't heard of a little thing called the Presidential Election, a political asteroid due to impact the United States in November wiping out roughly half of a deeply divided nation. If what this person says is true, they may want to inform Diebold Systems, Inc., supplier of roughly 80% of the electronic voting machines that are to make their debut in this election, and staunch financial backer of the Republicans. So much so that their CEO, in a letter to shareholders, said he was "committed to delivering all votes on Diebold machines to the President come November". But all this too, is besides the point.
I just thought this was an interesting article about censorship and his best buddy, Michael Moore. I'll shut up now. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 8:15 AM
Tuesday, May 4
Urkel's Calling
Being stuck in pseudo-unemployment land (population: me, and declining rapidly) does have its perks. I'm not just referring to the sleeping in, pottering about in my sleeping shorts/whatever beastly leather thing M has made me wear the previous night, or catching up on the latest Passions saga.
I've had the chance to really sit down, excuse myself from the daily grind of money-earning, and think about what it is I want to do. In a recent conversation with Those Who Spawned Me, they reminded me of a startling fact - in 20 years of toil, not once had either of them woken up looking forward to dragging their caffenated asses into their cubicles/offices/meetings. Not once. In 20 years. If my mental calculation serves me right, that's over 7000 days of wanting to eat a bullet in a very public and emotionally scarring manner to the onlookers. If my mental calculation makes it two for two, that's a lot of bullets, scars, death and mopping up to do. It's a wonder I'm even here to write this.
I like to think that they endured such a hardship so that I might not have to, and instead find fame and fortune by answering my calling. Well actually, my other calling, since my career in porn was brutally grounded before it really got going. I'm talking about graphic design. But I'm not talking about any old graphic design. I'm thinking I'd really like to be in videogames.
Videogames and I go way back, back even before my eyes crapped out on me, and I was forced to go to school wearing glasses so thick my teachers kept insisting I put the binoculars down. Hell, I've been playing them long enough to remember when they came on audio-cassette tapes and floppy disks, before migrating to the robust cartridge and finally their hi-tech CD incarnations. And now I'm here, wondering why I denied that I wanted to make games for so long.
It must be because of The Look. The one they used to give me that you'd normally reserve for a guy you caught having a quick one off the wrist in the furthest pew from the altar. "For shame" The Look used to say, "We thought you'd have grown out of that by now".
Luckily, I learned to ignore it and post fantabulously high scores while nodding modestly at the gasps of my equally digitally-obsessed friends/nerds.
thus spake The Englishman at 7:59 AM
Wookie Nookie
I am at war with my own face. No, that's a bit harsh - rather, we've ceased diplomatic relations, and it's just a matter of days before troops hit the ground, and CNN reporters flock in in droves. I have ingrown hairs so bad, if you were to capture me, slit me open from chin to chopper and turned my skin inside out, you'd find out where Chewbacca has been hiding all these years.
thus spake The Englishman at 7:40 AM