All About The Englishman
Be informed
Be entertained
Be perverted
Confess, sinner
Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.
Change your perceptions. They're lame.
I have a dream.
I am Jack's imaginary friend
Don't think. Just Grow.
For all your multimedia needs
Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles
Filthy Lies
Hey! You make me throw up a little!
The Framley Examiner Personals
From the creator of 'Grow'
Fura Neko games!
This man is everything I hope to be, artistically
Tokyo Plastic 2.0h!
I love free speech. Talk to me.
December 2003
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
December 2004
March 2005
Belle De Jour
C h a p e l . P e r i l o u s
Another Girl, Another Planet
Robber Rabbit
currently. . .
[Playing] Oh, holy Halo 2, Xbox
[Reading] War of the Worlds
[Songs of the Moment] Freelove Freeway, Ricky Gervais/David Brent & Noel Gallagher (The Office), Let Me Love You, Mario
[Movie(s) of the Moment] Before Sunset
highlight reel
Pussy Perspectives
The Laid List
Liquored Up and Lookin' Fer Pussy
Orphan Rampage
The Office and David Carradine
Urkel's Calling
A Wee Turtle's Head
Non-Event Horizon
The Illusion of Time
Born To Run
Bush Humor
Fiendster: The Anti-Friendster
Crusoe and the INS
Peak Oil
Smile for me, Mona
Spin the bullet bachelor party
Spin the bullet part II
Heaven and Home
Heal the world
Atom Feed me, Seymour
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The Weblog Review
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Thursday, February 26
Get away, you filthy urchin, lest my cane find your crap-smeared buttocks!
Part 2: Things I Don't Miss About England
- "What football team d'you support" - [insert instant stereotype of you here]
- "Did you watch the game last night?" - yes = see # 1, no = "Wot, are you a poof or summink?"
- The tabloids - why won't they stop hounding me?
- The teeth. Specifically, my teeth.
- My school cliques (yes, we had the whole "Popular slut dates sports team captain" thing too)
- Tim Henman - Average player + wanker + hot wife = unlimited domestic press coverage as "Britain's Great White Hope"
- 1 pound coins - fuckers are heavy!
- British Telecom's constant shuffling of the telephone area codes. Am I in the 0181 or 0171 area? What do you mean it's now 01207?
- The class system.
- Posh and Becks
- Weekly royal scandals
- Restraining my big fucking mouth
thus spake The Englishman at 5:06 PM
Oooh, he's a spiky little immigrant isn't he?
And now it's time for the obligatory Foreigner's Rant Because I'm Cranky And Want To Leave Work Early. Things I miss about England:
- The Office - Ricky Gervais, why did we ever part?
- Acceptance of alcohol consumption at lunchtime (it's a professional networking skill!)
- Have I Got News For You? - Because Jon Stewart will never live up to the drier than dry wit of Angus Deighton (someone correct me, I know I misspelled his name) and Ian Hislop.
- Private Eye - Because Life Is Less Shitty When You Publicly Ridicule Your Leaders
- English Maxim, Loaded, and the barely-not-pornographic pictures I took from them to decorate my dorm room in boarding school
- Oasis, Blur and the Stereophonics (minus the headbutting, cocaine and general unpleasantness to your fellow man - in fact, everything but the music)
- A giant but friendly Yorkshireman in a position of authority over me (not like that - I'm married, you know!)
- The opportunity to explore London via the Tube. The opportunity to explore London on the Bus. Fuck it, the opportunity to explore London. My stunted social life there was cut off in its prime.
- The sausages.
thus spake The Englishman at 4:47 PM
Wednesday, February 25
I'll be the sweetest 5 minutes you've ever had
So yes, after a short hiatus, accompanied by an equally-brief flirtation with life as a fictitious writer, I have returned, married, exhausted and smiling.
Marriage always seems to be a constant source of angst and worry for many people (especially these people), but in my experience, so far, so good. Contrary to public opinion (and who fucking asked them anyways?), M hasn't adopted a contemptuous look reserved for me and me alone, nor has she vetoed any kind of respectable sex life whatsoever.
Maybe I should correct that - she hasn't informed me of any plans to vetoe a respectable sex life. . .in the near future.
In the words of the great Sting, "tomorrow we'll see".
thus spake The Englishman at 3:29 PM
Tuesday, February 24
And for those who thought he might not be crazy:
"I woke up today from a dream about Bob Dylan. He was flying in the air with the aid of a short stick and he emptied his pockets of large pieces of shit." ~ BA
thus spake The Englishman at 4:50 PM
"I have tried to write the fragments of a comic story about a boy who decides to observe himself, distinctly grading and catergorising his moods and dispositions and tabulating them on graphs and charts in order that - when he is asked how he is - he can simply spread out the sheets and point to the oscillating graphs like a periodic table. It is an ironic phatic question of course; not in some mouths but in the vast majority." ~ B.A.
thus spake The Englishman at 4:31 PM
Do you?
She was radiant - a flowing white dress, and holding the deepest red roses I'd ever seen. Tradition, and the gentle lilt of Pachabel, were thrown to the wind; we locked eyes from opposite ends of the aisle, and she came to meet me in a barely-suppressed run. Her mother tried but ultimately failed to keep up.
When matter is dense enough, it folds in on itself, warping the fabric of reality around it, keeping light as its tormented captive. My attention fell into the singularity of her beauty - nothing existed outside of her face, that dress, the smile she'd chosen to bless me with. Ceremony? What ceremony? I heard nothing until the minister asked the ominous question.
M looked at me, and as she opened her mouth to speak, I realized I was holding my breath.
thus spake The Englishman at 4:02 PM
Monday, February 23
Lazily, almost seductively, he slid the gleaming round into the chamber, and slapped the drum. It whizzed as it spun, and I started slightly as, with a neat flick of the wrist, he slammed it home, and raised the gun to a spot right between my eyes. Straining at the garden hose that bound my hands and feet, and painfully aware of the welts it had left across my back from the relentless beating I had just endured, I began to sweat even more than before.
"Where is it?", he asked.
"Ask them ", I replied, gesturing with my head over at the rest of them, "they seem to like birds way more than I do."
They stood there, lurking in the darkness just beyond the stark cone beaming down from the battered light fixture. It was swinging to and fro in the way that you see it do in hollywood movies. It was a nice touch.
"In that case, we're going to play a game", he said, using his cuff to wipe the powder from his nose. I could see that his pupils were now mere pinpricks surrounded on all sides by piercing blue. He cocked the hammer with a slow click.
At that point, I started to suspect I might not be at the altar on time.
thus spake The Englishman at 3:25 PM
Thursday, February 19
thus spake The Englishman at 4:51 PM
That tort him a lesson.
Interesting fact that powerful people don't want you to know # 92:
threatening to sue someone without sufficient grounds, and without actually intending to do so, is a tort called barratry - in some states, you could sue them for falsely threatening to sue you.
Taken from Duh!
thus spake The Englishman at 4:06 PM
Tonight I have my bachelor party, but I have no idea where it will be, or who will be there. My groomsmen are picking me up at 5pm from my workplace, and from then on, I am in their sweaty, callused hands for the night. My brother and my uncle will also be in attendance, as well as an 8lb bag of cocaine, 12 feet of garden hose, a wooden goose, and a revolver with one bullet in it.
I think it's kind of weird that they wanted to bring an 8lb bag of cocaine to the party.
thus spake The Englishman at 12:32 PM
Reap the whirlwind, you bastard.
thus spake The Englishman at 12:06 PM
A Token Effort
There's really something to be said for coming into work when your mind couldn't be further from it.
Actually, there isn't.
thus spake The Englishman at 12:04 PM
Wednesday, February 18
The Samsonite Saga (as it shall henceforth be known) started my mind free-associating this morning while I was on the can. It went frolicking this way and that in the cosmos of my mental universe, careening into the time I shit my pants on a school field trip, rebounding off my first kiss, orbiting my cluster of college crushes, and finally coming to rest on my first year of primary school.
I don't remember much of the first day, but many of the details stick out like splinters in the carpet - tiny, sharp, and just waiting to cause injury.
I was 7 years old when I entered the class of "Prep 1" - the first year of preparatory school. As you may be beginning to realize, 7 was, to use a royalism, my own personal annus horribilis (latin for "fucking awful time I wish I could amputate from my life").
The biggest detail in this episode was my teacher, whose name was Miss Gimson. I'll save all you ancestry buffs out there the trouble of studying the roots of this name by telling you now: it means 400lbs of bitter, ugly, scottish hating of me.
Janet (for that was her given name) and I didn't click like she pretended she and the other kids did. This was made very clear when I made a mistake, which was often. I would do something wrong, because I was scared of her and couldn't think straight, she would empty those gigantic lungs at me, I would wipe up the blood from my shattered eardrums, cry and feel stupid, rinse and repeat.
I think the thing that terrified me the most about her when she was yelling was that I kept imagining her rasping in that thick Edinburgh accent "yu knoh what thes meens dohn't yu?", and a giant roll of fat spilling out from under her shirt, enveloping and digesting my screaming body in front of a gazing class. I used to picture her releasing a satisfied burp and then turning to the class and saying "Now whu ayelse can teyell me whut the vairb es en thes sayntence?"
The thing that really burns me up is that I was so scared of her that I couldn't hate her - I was just a small boy who until that point had a pretty optimistic view of the world and quite a bit of faith in the goodness of people. Looking back on it, she knew this, and took an active enjoyment in humiliating me in front of my peers, grinding me into a pathetic ball of nerves who would burst into tears if you looked at me the wrong way.
One shining moment sticks out between myself and her, however. I was in a school play being held in the Dining Hall - as usual, she had taken it upon herself to direct this musical ordeal for parents and students alike. The room was crammed to capacity, and stuffy as an accountants' convention in July. Remember those gigantic lungs I mentioned? Turns out they needed a bit more oxygen than the rest of us to keep ol' Janet vertical.
I distinctly remember looking over at her standing there, flabby arms crossed over those ski slope breasts, beaming smug satisfaction at this torture she was inflicting on the wretched audience. I can remember the donkey-like braying that instantly wrenched attention away from the silenced performers and over to her as she lost consciousness, vomited on herself and fainted. I remember laughing out as loud as I could without being noticed as I watched a nearby father, ever the gentleman, try to catch her, realize the futility of attempting to stop the groundward progress of the fleshy behemoth, and let her hit the deck.
But I will best remember being one of the first people she locked eyes with when she came around and was sat up by a group of concerned, but unwilling-to-touch-puke helpers. It was momentary, but unmistakeable. She knew in that instant that I had seen her humiliated, small and weak. She continued to yell at me for the rest of my year with her, but I didn't cry anywhere near as much as I used to.
thus spake The Englishman at 10:03 AM
Tuesday, February 17
For some reason, when I get to my computer in the morning, I instinctively check my own blog, thinking "I wonder what's on The Englishman today?".
I get kinda disappointed sometimes when I realize that it's me who'll have to write whatever entertains me for the day. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 4:40 PM
A Ping and an Echo
Thanks to the wonders of the Technorati, I am aware that I have a small (but, as I like to imagine, fastidiously devoted, rapidly recruiting, and meticulously preparing for the coming apocalypse) audience out there - someone even linked their blog to me. . .
It's a magical thing to see the glorious number '1' next to your comments link for the first time. . .it certainly breaks up the monotony of hitting the refresh button in a vain search for anyone else out there.
To this newfound audience that is clamoring for my every word, I would like to say. . .
I need to poo.
thus spake The Englishman at 4:01 PM
Question: How many accusations does it take before people begin to suspect that leaving little Jimmy at the Reverend's house for "Overnight Bible Study" might not be such a good idea?
Answer: According to recent reports, almost 4,500.
Don't get me started on organized religion. I'm just going to say that 9 times out of 10, you get into trouble if you blindly believe what people tell you to. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 1:54 PM
Monday, February 16
Dear Samsonite
When I was 7 years old, my parents somehow managed to afford to send me to a posh public school, complete with formal uniforms, teachers who demanded that we call them "Sir" or "Miss", a 'Refectory' (dining hall) that served 'Luncheon', and ritualistic classroom canings for the sexual delight of the staff. Just kidding, I didn't really call it a Refectory.
This was a big deal to my parents, who wanted only the best for their little tike, so they took it all very seriously. A couple weeks before I was due to begin classes there, the school sent my parents a list of recommended materials that I should have. It was the usual, a ruler, a calculator, a protractor, colouring pencils. A quick glance didn't reveal anything too damaging to my reputation, which at 7 years old, was all I had, apart from a bucket of Lego bricks and a fascination with Ninja Turtles.
It all went pear-shaped when I was presented with a briefcase on my first day by my Dad. I hesitated for a second - A briefcase? Did I just skip school and inadvertently become a CEO? These and many other questions abounded as I packed my books in this, this thing, and lugged it into the waiting car.
Now this was no ordinary briefcase. It was a grey Samsonite case, made of quite possibly the most indestructible plastic known to man. I concluded this after several concerted months of dragging, throwing, stomping, and generally vicious abuse at the hands of a relentlessly-teased, and desperately uncool 7 year-old. Seriously, I would grab the handle with two hands, whirl myself around like an olympic hammer thrower, and send this case flying into the nearest brick wall I could find. I would watch incredulously as this case flew through the air and demolished a small row of houses, coming to rest on the pile of rubble. I imagined it sitting there smiling at me as if to say "Is that all you got?".
Not only did this case utterly frustrate my attempts to get a Nike sports bag, like all the other cool kids (whose parents obviously didn't give a shit about my school's suggestions), it gave me the worst calluses on my hands, because it was so damn heavy, and the handle had these little grooves in it that seemed to have no other purpose than to sink into the sweaty folds of my hand-flesh and erode it away with every movement I made.
I was bound to this case for 4 years, Samsonite, and not a day went by that I did not try to remove it from existence. It was a worthy foe, ultimately trumped by jamming a paperclip into the metal clasps that held it shut, and blaming the kid with ADD in my class for doing it. And so I conclude:
Me 1, Samsonite 0
Bring it!
The Englishman
thus spake The Englishman at 11:55 AM
Funny how when you're about to get married, everything becomes "the last thing you're ever going to do". . .but more on that another time, i.e. when I feel like expounding.
thus spake The Englishman at 11:34 AM
Friday, February 13
Whenever I meet someone not originally from the United States, I like to imagine asking them who they would fight for in the event that war breaks out between the U.S. and their place of origin.
Most of the time, I imagine that these people would sacrifice their lives defending their mother country, so to make things more interesting and test their loyalties a little further, I follow up with the question "What if the U.S. went to war against your dad?".
I enjoy watching the (imaginary) conflict of emotion, you see. More on this soon. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 6:08 PM
Thursday, February 12
I do believe that was my first "Meta-Blog" (a blog entry about blogging). . .I'm really getting into this thing.
thus spake The Englishman at 5:40 PM
I spent a lot of time surfing the 'Blogosphere' today, and as a result of all the outstanding examples I've stumbled across, one thing has struck me - Seinfeld did not have to end.
The show whose premise is "about nothing" could quite easily continue to exist for millenia beyond Jerry's, Kramer's, Elaine's and George's mortal (and possibly collective) passing - there's so much writing out there about absolutely nothing at all. Today, such literary and educated topics as shit Rob Lowe movies, worn out speedo's, stink bugs and 'The way my dad wakes up' have entertained and amused me no end.
Now let us sit in silence for a minute and contemplate finding the common humanity in our fascination with the inane and insignificant.
thus spake The Englishman at 5:31 PM
I've been in the US for so long now that I feel completely ersatz whenever I encounter a 'real' English person.
They make me feel like the human equivalent of those medieval-themed restaurants. You know, the type where the staff dress in fine (fake) ermine robes, and you get to call the waitresses "wenches", and eventually get thrown out of because you got completely wasted on "Ye Olde Ale", and tried to break up the sword fight between Lancelot and Gawain in the after-dinner show. . .
In other words, they make me feel about as english and refined as a Vin Diesel movie.
I console myself with the fact that I can follow every line of dialogue in The Office, and any of Guy Ritchie's movies. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 5:00 PM
"Soylent Green is people!"
Not so Happy Meal now, are ya?
thus spake The Englishman at 4:07 PM
It's all the rage in Japan. . .
This is the weirdest, but ultimately most satisfying quirky little game I've ever been a slave to.
GROW, little planet, GROW!
thus spake The Englishman at 12:37 PM
Wednesday, February 11
Finding Emo (-tional comfort)
"Hang in there with the arrangements, and remember: Families are friends, not food" ~ an email from J
Thank you for the sagely advice, J. I'm putting the gun down, now. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 12:25 PM
Tuesday, February 10
Perils of contact lenses # 171: The lens sometimes migrates to the back of your eyesocket, and sits there. . .magnifying your brain with every red, inflamed twitch of your irritated orbit.
Thank you science.
thus spake The Englishman at 4:52 PM
I have un-innocent thoughts when people refer to Valentine's day as "V-day". . .
thus spake The Englishman at 4:08 PM
On-tying the knot
I lied, I can't be bothered to flesh out the bullet points from my last post. I think it would actually be far more entertaining to allow the myriad of possibilities involving those potent ingredients take shape in the form of your own comments. Hint hint.
A different topic is at the forefront of my temporal lobes today.
Those of you that don't know me in a personal (or even biblical) sense, may be surprised to know that I'm getting married to M, my fiancee. Next week. No, really, it's true.
It's also scary, nerve-wracking, exciting, and stressful, all lumped into one tidy package that folds out at any time - even when you don't want it to! At only $99.99, you can't say no!
And it's strange because as soon as you let it slip to people over here, they inevitably ask one, more, or all of the following questions:
- When are you getting married?
- When did you get engaged?
- Who are you marrying?
- How did you meet?
- Are your family coming?
They usually come in quick succession, without the pauses for breath considered requisite for the interaction to be classed as a 'conversation'. To be honest with you, I've stopped telling any more people that I'm getting married now, just because I'm tired of answering. It actually reminds me of when I first came to the U.S., and was constantly having to disclose that no, I didn't have a stroke that paralyzed my left side, it's my accent. Yes, I'm from England. Yes, I sound so funny. Yes, I have seen that Monty Python movie. Yes, I sound so funny. The experience is one of those tests of patience that for some reason I try to pass. I consider it a success if I come out it without having slugged someone for saying something stupid.
Thankfully, the one question that they (perhaps consciously) neglect to ask about my pending wedlock is "Can I come?". Which, if you're asking me at this point, will be answered with a pretty blunt "Nope".
thus spake The Englishman at 1:20 PM
Friday, February 6
What a day - it's been one of those where so many quirky things happen, each of which you experience while thinking "this'll be great for my blog. . ."
Then you realize how pathetic it is that you live your life to fill a journal for the edification of others. Then you bow your head, and go masturbate in a public restroom to feel better about yourself, but get weirded out because there was someone in the stall next to you, and you heard them snigger at you. Then you realize 4 blocks later that you have a manky bit of men's room toilet paper clinging to your shoe, but you didn't notice it, and you've been walking down a crowded street.
Ahem. You know those days, right? . . . . . .right?
I digress. I think I'll summarize today in bullet point form, so I'll remember each topic I must cover in the next post:
- A room full of old, white, rich men. And me.
- Chicken, potatoes, cheesecake and Miller Lite
- Drunk at 11:30am
- Motel sex with a middle-aged, desperate woman
- Epileptic policeman with a whistle
- The Special Olympics
Now that you've been duly edified, I'm off to the men's room. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 5:46 PM
Wednesday, February 4
thus spake The Englishman at 8:49 PM
If you've ever watched the highly-acclaimed documentary "Bowling for Columbine", you could be forgiven for thinking as a foreigner that all Americans young and old have at some point in their lives been riddled with bullets and left for dead - that something like this is a common occurrence, and it's almost like a right of passage;
"Son, you're a man, now *BLAM BLAMMMA BLAMMA BLAM!*"
It's an interesting portrayal, if maybe a little shock-jockish, that of the macho, loud, uncaring and fast-talking yank twirling a sixgun with no safety catch, and laughing about how they "Bailed us out of World War II".
The reason I reference this is because this is kind of the picture I used to have of Americans before my steel bird's wheels kissed the airport tarmac a few years back. Fast forward in my memory banks a few weeks, and I made the mistake of sneezing for the first time on American soil - as it happened, I was in a college lecture hall containing close to 300 semi-comatose students.
In an instant, I was riddled and left for dead. Not with bullets, however, but with niceties: people I had never even met before as far away as the other side of the room actually turned their attention to me and said loudly "God bless you", "Gezundheit", and so on. I was fascinated by this - any fellow brit could confirm to you that were you to try such a stunt with a stranger who sneezed in London, or even continental Europe, people would think that you were a whore and this was your pickup line.
So there I was, with a tingly face and surrounded by close to 300 whores who thought I was their John for the next 45 minutes. I was as they say 'befuddled'.
I remember experiementing for several classes after that, and each time the result was the same - a simple 'Hah-choo!' earned me the acknowledgement of strangers near and far. I began including variations, such as multiple sneezes - there was one guy, (from the midwest, surprise surprise), who would bless me out loud without fail on each and every sneeze. I got him up to 5 mucousy bursts before he began thinking there might be something wrong with me.
I tried coughing later on, but people told me to shut the fuck up. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 4:03 PM
"Martha's polishing the brass on the Titanic - it's all going down, man." ~ Tyler Durden
thus spake The Englishman at 12:18 PM
Tuesday, February 3
Tom Daschle is putting together quite an impressive list of credentials - in the last couple of years the man has already managed to survive Anthrax, and now Ricin being liberally (no pun intended, I promise) sprinkled around his office on Capitol Hill.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Anthrax among the long list of WMD's the U.S. was hunting for? What kind of weapon of mass destruction has difficulty killing an old man sitting in his office? Answer: One that is not as dangerous as we're being persuaded to believe.
Interesting fact # 128: People are much easier to control if they are afraid.
thus spake The Englishman at 3:17 PM
The Englishman's Favorite Janet Jackson Headlines:
- "'Breast Bowl' outrage is just tempest in a D cup " ~ Miami Herald
- "TiVo Users Couldn't Get Enough of Janet Jackson" ~ Reuters
- "Stale Pop Tarts" ~ National Review
- "Exposed During Halftime: Hypocrisy" ~ Business Week (damn good article too - make sure you check out the ad it talks about at
thus spake The Englishman at 1:09 PM
What's the FCC's problem? She's hot!
A friendly nod goes out to Justin too - I bet the rest of the guys in N'Sync dared him to do it. . .
thus spake The Englishman at 12:57 PM
*Doot doot doot!* Yo, some dude just wrapped his car around a tree! What should I do?
*Deet deet deet!* Call 911!
*Doot doot doot!* But. . .
*Deet deet deet!* Don't worry, it's free.
Englishman: *sigh*
thus spake The Englishman at 12:41 PM
The tyranny of waking up for work is one which cannot be understated.
thus spake The Englishman at 11:03 AM
Monday, February 2
Fuck, I think I'm going through my period - I'm being so bitchy lately.
Fuck, I'm a guy. What the hell?!
thus spake The Englishman at 5:07 PM
What a great weekend it was. M and I took in a bunch of movies, that (gasp!) she and I could both stand to watch, and although her opinions would most probably differ, I thoroughly enjoyed them.
First I caught 'American Wedding'. I haven't laughed so hard in a proposal scene since. . .well shit, ever. It was nice to close the book on some characters that I was introduced to in my freshman year of college, and see the trilogy come to its crowning moment - Stifler eating a turd.
Next up was 'Happy Accidents'. What a cool and quirky movie this was. Marisa Tomei is so great in this movie, portraying a female knight in shining armor who always seems to attract (and subsequently date) guys who have drug/emotional/fetish problems. Along comes Sam. Sam and Marisa hit it off. Sam confesses he's from hundreds of years in the future. Thoughtful and touching movie ensues.
Finally, I went and saw 'Along Came Polly' in the theatre. Now this was one I wasn't looking forward to - it had all the makings of a Jason-hated movie: Jennifer Aniston reprising her role as just about every generic girlfriend invented, *gag*, Ben Stiller as yet another doormat guy looking for a girl that will treat him right, *gag*, Deborah Messing, a woman so thin she must *gag* after every meal, lots of weasel jokes. . .well that last bit actually turned me on, but anyway. Exactly 90 minutes later, I walked out feeling good, and with several funny jokes to crack myself up with in the shower. Plus, Jen actually looked smoking hot in this movie. Go see it.
thus spake The Englishman at 4:55 PM